New Artwork

22nd December, 2006 12:02 PM by sikosis
Been working on some artwork for Agent 26 ... here's the new logo:-

Agent 26 Logo

We've also made up some wallpapers too.

26 is back !

2nd December, 2006 12:00 AM by sikosis
That's right ... development has recommenced on the Agent 26 project. Thanks to some downtime around Xmas, I'll be able to put some serious hours into Agent 26.

I have a plan.

22nd November, 2004 04:04 PM by sikosis
Today, I announced the initial plan for Agent 26, along with launching it's mini site. Agent 26 is a Spy-based First / Third Person Shooter. Agent(s) will go on a series of missions killing foes and completing missions by obtaining objects (blueprints, photos, etc).

We hope to incorpoate Multiplayer Co-operative as well as Single Player game types. Unfortunately, three is currently no release date. I'm just going to plot away at it until it's done. However, when I have one level complete, I will provide the download for the entire game with that level. That's a long way off at present, but when I get there, I'll pop the champagne!